Debra Portman

Success Story

Embrace Your Second Act

An Inspirational Career Transition

Meet Debra Portman, the ultimate example of someone who’s rocked the whole “Second Act” mindset. In a world where change is the only constant, Debra’s story is a beacon of inspiration.

After kicking off an illustrious 37-year journey in education, breaking the mold as a Silo Rebel teacher, she didn’t just call it quits; she rewrote the rules of retirement. Having been a waitress at a young age, this experience gave her the gift of knowledge when she and her husband ventured into the restaurant scene. They opened their own joint in the cozy small town of Durant, OK. Not one to settle, Debra and her husband dabbled in real estate, flipping houses into rental properties.

Transitioning from her background in rentals and property flipping, Debra ventured into real estate as an agent. Her goal is to help individuals find their dream properties while meeting their needs. She is currently affiliated with American Dream Realty.

Insider’s Tips from Debra for Your Own Career Makeover

Backup Plan: If you’re going do this, make sure you have a little bit of a backup plan money wise to take some of the stress off of yourself.

Learn & Adapt: The hardest adjustment, be ready to start all over from the bottom and that is an adjustment in itself. After 37 years being in one business, I was kind of a power runner, everything was comfortable, and that’s not gonna happen with the new job right off the bat. You know you’re gonna have to start at the bottom and work your way back up.

Strong Connections: You have to make strong connections with the team you’re going to work with. I think you really have to research where you’re going to go. You can’t just walk into a place and not know anything about it without having a strong team to help you.

Ready To Make Your Move?

Debra Portman fearlessly navigated a Second Act transition and proves daily what true courage and adaptability looks like. Her “Whatever It Takes” spirit serves as a guiding light, motivating women to fearlessly pursue new paths and thrive amidst change.

Find Debra Portman at American Dream Realty Durant, OK

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