How To Find Time for Family Dinners

Keep a Family Calendar

If you need to schedule work, school and extracurricular activities, a calendar will help you design a routine that’s feasible for you. Cut back on overtime or prioritize outside activities if it enables the family to sit down together a few times a week.

Prepare Simple Meals

Collect quick recipes and keep your kitchen stocked with all the basics. Salads and stir-fries are healthy and fast.

Plan Ahead on Weekends

Take advantage of any free time to bake lasagna or make a pot of chili. Freeze leftovers for quick weekday eating.

Get Takeout Food

Store the numbers for your family’s favorite takeout in your phone. Good options include pizza with vegetable toppings or tofu and mixed vegetables.

Involve the Whole Family in Making Dinner

Work together as a team to share responsibilities. Even small children can assist with setting the table and planning the menu while older kids cook or clean up.

Encourage Compromise

Give everyone a turn to suggest or prepare his or her favorite dishes. Kids will learn to accommodate others and express their preferences appropriately.

Turn Off the Television and Phones

Except for emergencies, take a break from answering the phone or watching TV during dinnertime. Focus on each other and on your conversation.

Family dinners are a wonderful opportunity to spend time together. With this one simple practice, you can get closer to your kids and help them grow up healthy and happy.

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