Pink Buffalo Clothing Co

Madilson King

Meet someone who is truly extraordinary – a Trailblazer who’s lighting the trails on fire! She’s got a cute and sweet story on how her ideas developed. Madison King fits right into the Oklahoma WIT mind set. She’s ready to conquer challenges and make things happen.

Hey, Hi, Hola! I’m Madison King, the face behind the Pink Buffalo Clothing Co, LLC. I’m a full-time Nanny in Southern, OK! I have the best & most rewarding job in the world. I get to love & spoil kids for a living. If you know me, everything I do is ALWAYS about the kids. I am always holding a baby, spoiling a child, buying candy, or passing suckers.

This business is a combination of all my favorites! If you’ve seen my logo – you have noticed the name & large pink buffalo. Everyday, the kids & I drive around the ranch. We check all of the animals & count them! Our favorite thing to check is the Buffalo’s. We love to watch them! The laughter & giggling while checking them will warm your heart.

Wild Maggie, Jake the Rattlesnake & John are what inspired my company name. Wild Maggie & Jake the Rattlesnake are toddlers. They ask a lot of questions! Every day they both ask, “If you could be any animal, what would you be?” I always respond, “When I grow up, I’ll be a BUFFALO.” Jake the Rattlesnake always laughs and yells, “A GREEN BUFFALO?” Then Wild Maggie yells, “OR A PINK ONE.” I LOVE pink, so of course. If I could be any animal, I’d be a pink BUFFALO. Inspired by the babies & the buffaloes, The Pink Buffalo Clothing Co was born.

Madison’s Three Tips for Success:

Do something you LOVE! If you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.

If it’s in your heart and on your mind – you’re half-way there. Keep going!

Never let money be the priority of your business! A business full of happiness and love is richer than any dollar amount!

Shop Pink Buffalo Clothing Co

Find her on Facebook for new arrivals, updates, and specials.

Madison King has set a goal for contributing to the sales of Oklahoma WIT Magazine… Ask her how you can Help Her Out!

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