10 Busy Mom Hacks to Save Time

As a busy mom who runs a business and takes care of kids, I know how hard it can be to juggle everything. That’s why I want to share with you some of my favorite hacks that help me save time, money and sanity. Here are 10 busy mom hacks that you can try today:

  1. Plan your meals ahead of time. This will help you avoid the stress of deciding what to cook every day, and also save you money by reducing food waste and impulse buying. You can use apps like Mealime or Plan to Eat to create weekly menus and shopping lists based on your preferences and budget.
  2. Use online grocery delivery or pickup services. This will save you the hassle of going to the store, waiting in line and loading and unloading your car. You can order your groceries online from services like Instacart, Walmart Grocery or Amazon Fresh, and have them delivered to your door or ready for pickup at a convenient time and location.
  3. Delegate tasks to your kids. This will not only lighten your workload, but also teach your kids responsibility and independence. You can assign chores to your kids based on their age and ability, such as making their bed, folding laundry, setting the table or feeding the pets. You can use apps like ChoreMonster or Homey to track their progress and reward them with points or prizes.
  4. Automate your bills and savings. This will help you avoid late fees, overdraft charges and missed opportunities to save money. You can use apps like Mint or YNAB to manage your budget and track your spending. You can also set up automatic payments for your bills and transfers for your savings accounts using your bank’s online banking features.
  5. Outsource tasks that you don’t enjoy or don’t have time for. This will free up your time and energy for the things that matter most to you, such as spending quality time with your family or growing your business. You can hire professionals or freelancers to handle tasks like cleaning, accounting, graphic design or social media management using platforms like TaskRabbit, Fiverr or Upwork.
  6. Batch similar tasks together. This will help you increase your efficiency and focus by reducing the number of times you switch between different types of tasks. For example, you can batch all your phone calls, emails, meetings or errands in one block of time, instead of doing them sporadically throughout the day.
  7. Use a timer to limit distractions and procrastination. This will help you stay on track and get things done faster by creating a sense of urgency and accountability. You can use apps like Pomodoro Timer or Focus Keeper to break down your tasks into manageable chunks of time, usually 25 minutes, followed by short breaks of 5 minutes.
  8. Create routines and rituals for yourself and your family. This will help you establish a sense of order and stability in your chaotic life, and also make it easier to stick to healthy habits and goals. You can create routines for your morning, evening, bedtime, workday or weekend that include activities like meditation, exercise, reading, journaling or family bonding.
  9. Use a planner or calendar to organize your schedule and priorities. This will help you keep track of all your appointments, deadlines, events and tasks, and also help you plan ahead and set realistic expectations for yourself and others. You can use apps like Google Calendar or Cozi Family Organizer to sync your calendar with your family members and share reminders and updates.
  10. Create a dedicated workspace at home. Working from home can be challenging if you don’t have a proper workspace where you can focus and be productive. If possible, try to create a dedicated workspace at home where you can work without distractions or interruptions from your kids or other family members. You can use a spare room, a corner of your living room or even a closet as your home office. Make sure you have a comfortable chair, a desk, a computer, a good internet connection and any other equipment or supplies that you need for your work.

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