Dry Skin? Try This Solution…Hyaluronic Acid

Well, does that sound safe? No, but it is produced naturally in our bodies and scientific research has shown hyaluronic acid to be safe even if you’re pregnant or nursing. So that begs the question, why would I want to use hyaluronic acid? What is hyaluronic acid good for? That answer is long because it is good for so many things. I am sure I will leave something out, but I am a recently converted fan of hyaluronic acid and I want to share what I think is a truly remarkable gift from God. Hyaluronic Acid (aka HA) is naturally produced by our bodies but, like so many other things our bodies produce, as we age production slows down. If you are looking for a solution to dry skin and so many other things that hyaluronic acid helps, please give it a try. It just might be what you are looking for.

#1 DRY SKIN: Hyaluronic acid is a humectant. Per Wikipedia, a humectant is a hygroscopic (water-absorbing) substance that is used to keep things moist. HA is a humectant that is capable of binding over a thousand times its weight in water for several days. A quarter teaspoon of hyaluronic acid holds about one and a half gallons of water. Wow!!! That is amazing! What does that mean for our dry skin? There are so many products that have hyaluronic acid in them. As we all know, some are better than others. I recently purchased four different products to find a good topical moisturizer. Of the four, one stood out. I have been using it not only on my face, but my legs. The difference has been amazing. However, if you need to improve the laxity and volume loss that occurs naturally as we age, then injectable hyaluronic acid is what you need to research.

#2 WOUND CARE: From skin wounds to mouth ulcers to gum disease, hyaluronic can speed up healing. Studies have shown that hyaluronic acid both reduces the size of wounds and decreases pain better than placebos or no treatment at all. My personal experience in these two weeks of hyaluronic acid use, my skin wounds that started the second time I had Covid-19 have almost totally healed. I went to eleven, yes eleven, doctors in one year. I was told that they didn’t know what I had or how to help me. My leg sores are almost totally healed, and I have used lots of different products including antibiotic creams.

Please note, I am not in the medical field and my knowledge is very limited. If you think hyaluronic acid could possibly help you, please consult your medical professional. If you try it and it doesn’t help, then stop using it. Everyone’s bodies are different. What helps one person won’t help another.

OTHER BENEFITS: There are apparently many other benefits to using hyaluronic acid. In most cases, limited studies have been done. Hopefully additional studies will be done, and we will have definitive information for these additional benefits. Amongst the possible benefits are: improved skin texture and elasticity, wrinkles and anti-aging, joint pain, bone health, dry eyes, acid reflux, vaginal dryness, bladder pain and respiratory conditions such as asthma.

HEADS UP: You can end up feeling dryer if you use hyaluronic acid improperly because HA can pull moisture out of your skin to the product.

SOLUTION: To prevent that, apply it to damp or wet skin. My personal solution is I have a spray bottle filled with distilled water and I mist my skin right before I apply the hyaluronic acid product.

Hyaluronic acid is available in a several forms:

ORAL – tablets

TOPICAL – serums, creams, foams, and lotions

INJECTIONS – medical and cosmetic

FOOD – Bone broth, acerola cherries, soy products, almonds, guavas, tofu, yellow bell peppers, currants, kiwis, kale, cauliflower, oranges, persimmons, papayas, strawberries, red cabbage, broccoli, sweet potatoes, pineapple, pistachios, clementines, banana, avocado, grapefruit, carrots, red wine

SIDE EFFECTS: One study of people taking oral hyaluronic acid for a year reported zero side effects. Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in our bodies and that decreases the risk of side effects. When injections are given, the side effects are typically from the injection itself, not the hyaluronic acid. Negative effects can include pain, bruising, itching, swelling and flushed skin.

IN SUMMARY: No matter how safe a product seems to be, always take precautions when using a product that is new to you and your body. Many conditions our bodies have are possibly treatable with something as simple as hyaluronic acid. Is it a cure all? NO!!! Could it possibly help you? Yes. Remember that old thing called common sense? Use it. It is my prayer that hyaluronic acid can be your friend and help you with your health issues.

DISCLAIMER: This article is not intended for medical advice. I am not a doctor or medical professional. The information in this article is meant for educational purposes only. This information and the products discussed are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Statements in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, please consult your physician first.

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