Toni Thomas

Success Story

Embrace Your Inspirational Community Impactor

Here’s a community game-changer you need to know. She’s all about her local people and making their community better. She’s supporting her community by buying local supplies, having community parties, and by becoming involved as a volunteer first responder. Oklahoma WIT community, it’s time to get inspired by Toni Thomas! She’s all for the local scene and making things happen her way.

When I asked Toni why she decided to become an entrepreneur, she stated, “I want to do things for the community the way that I want to do things, and not the way a corporation does them. They’re coming in and taking over the small business, like our “Mom and Pop” stores and especially our home healthcare system.” She’s all about giving her community the kind of help they really need.

What is Toni’s biggest challenge?

“When I asked the community what they would like to see happen, they were so used to empty promises which made them standoff-ish. But since then, they’ve opened up and are supporting me because they’ve noticed that I’m trying to service them the way they need.”

What is Toni’s biggest reward?

It’s when her community’s got her back, especially on social media. It’s easier for people to be harsher online than it is for them to do it face-to-face. But what’s awesome is when her biggest supporters’ step in, encouraging everyone to talk things out directly to her, the business owner, giving her the opportunity to make things right, instead of posting online. That’s what community is all about.

As our conversation came to a close, Toni shares her top three tips of advice: “You’re always going to miss chances that you never take.” “Grit, keep putting in the hard work.” “Faith, keep your faith strong.”

Oklahoma WIT community, take those chances, keep pushing through, and believe in your journey, it’s all about embracing that “Whatever It Takes” attitude – no holding back, just go for it.

Find Toni:

4887 Enos Rd

Kingston, OK

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