Who Runs the World?

Reflections on International Women’s Day

Let’s take a walk down memory lane to a time when International Women’s Day was just a twinkle in the eye of some seriously fed-up ladies. Picture it: 1908, New York City, 15,000 women hitting the streets, not for a giant shoe sale, but demanding shorter hours, better pay, and—hold onto your petticoats—the right to vote. It’s like the original “Spice Girls” moment, but with more walking and less platform shoes.

How It All Began: A Comedy of Errors (and Rights)

Enter Clara Zetkin, the German version of a superhero, minus the cape and with more pamphlets. In 1910, she’s at this big-deal conference in Copenhagen, probably munching on some Danish, when she pitches the wildest idea: “Hey, let’s make this women’s day thing global and do it annually, like birthdays, but with more protesting and less cake.” And guess what? They went for it. International Women’s Day was born, and suddenly, it’s cool to fight for your rights (as it should be).

From Zero to Hero: The Glow-Up of International Women’s Day

Fast forward through time, and International Women’s Day has become the Beyoncé of global observances. It’s got everything: passion, drama, and a message that slaps harder than a toddler with a wet fish. The United Nations gets in on the action in 1977, giving IWD the official nod and probably making Clara Zetkin’s ghost do a happy dance in her grave.

The Real MVPs: Women Everywhere

The beauty of International Women’s Day? It’s like a love letter to women’s achievements and a battle cry for what’s still on the to-do list (which is a lot, by the way). It’s the one day a year when the world is supposed to stop and say, “Hey, women, you’re pretty awesome,” and then, hopefully, remember that for the other 364 days.

A Day of LOLs and Serious Talk

International Women’s Day isn’t just about reminiscing over how far we’ve come; it’s about strapping on our metaphorical battle armor (or, you know, a comfy tee) and getting ready to take on the world. It’s about saying, “We’ve done amazing things, and we’ll do even more amazing things—just watch us.”

Let’s Hear It for the Girls (And Then Actually Listen)

As we tip our hats to International Women’s Day, let’s remember that it’s not just about posting empowering quotes on Instagram (though keep those coming). It’s about real action, real change, and the real, everyday hustle of women everywhere. So here’s to us, ladies. May we be them, may we raise them, and may we never stop fighting for a world where every day is as celebrated as International Women’s Day.

Because, let’s face it, we’re kind of a big deal.

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