Busy Mom Hacks

Busy Mom Hacks for Back-In-School

Whew! Parents, you’ve made it through the summer with no alone time or quiet time. Now, it’s time for those ...
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Nurturing Lifelong Learners: A Teacher’s Message to Parents

Dear parents, As an educator, I have had the privilege of guiding and shaping the minds of countless young learners ...
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Middle School… Prep, Trust & Love

I’ve never parented a middle schooler before, but it’s happening. It reminds me of the day we left the hospital ...
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Kids: The Magic of Making Your Own Money

Hey there, young money-maker! Did you know that you have the superpower to earn your own money? It’s like having ...
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Education Doesn’t Have To Be So Testy

In 2020, I had the privilege of teaching Public School Finance at NWOSU. This was the perfect opportunity to educate ...
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Dry Skin? Try This Solution…Hyaluronic Acid

Well, does that sound safe? No, but it is produced naturally in our bodies and scientific research has shown hyaluronic ...
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An Interview With Jena Nelson

Oklahoma’s 2020 Teacher of the Year Calling all parents and educators! I had the privilege of interviewing one of the ...
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Dear Parents, Guardians, and School Faculty,

As we embark on another exciting Back-In-School season, let’s take a moment to emphasize the importance of safety for our ...
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10 Busy Mom Hacks to Save Time

As a busy mom who runs a business and takes care of kids, I know how hard it can be ...
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