Oklahoma WIT

“Let’s Dive In: Outlining Your Book Adventure!”

Hey there, budding authors! So, you’ve got a cool idea for a book, but where do you start? No worries, ...
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So, you wanna write a book?

So, you’re thinking about writing a book? Awesome! You have all kinds of creative ideas flowing through your mind? Perfect! ...
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Letter from the Editors

September/October Glossy Dear Readers, As summer gently transitions into the vibrant hues of autumn, and hopefully cools off, it’s that ...
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Welcome to Oklahoma WIT!

We’re here to help you do whatever it takes… It’s not easy to succeed. That’s why we started Oklahoma WIT. ...
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Hello world!

We’re super excited to announce our first Glossy issue will be released this April 2023. Carolyn and I are working ...
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