Do Not Rely Solely On Social Media To Market Your Business

By Sash Johnson, Choctaw Websites

Many believe social media is the only way to market their business. But using a social media platform has many hidden downfalls for small business owners. Oklahoma is mainly a rural state. Online marketing works best in densely populated areas. But in a state like ours, it’s important to build relationships with people.

  1. Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms can be an enormous time waste. Developing creative posts and interacting with others can take many hours each week.
  2. At best, only 5% of your followers on social media will see your posts. Even boosted posts don’t effectively target the customers who will buy from you.
  3. The best way to reach potential customers on social media is to buy ads, which can be very costly, and ultimately, not reach local customers.
  4. Social media platforms are designed to prevent users from clicking away from their site to go to an outside website. These platforms will not show your posts to most of your followers if it includes an external link.
  5. You don’t own your social media profile. You’re playing in someone else’s sandbox. Your account can be taken down or banned without any recourse or reason. If that should happen, you will lose all of the contacts you’ve built with customers.
  6. If you don’t post consistently, potential customers may think you’ve gone out of business. An active social media page or profile will always require time and attention.
  7. You can’t gather emails from your clients if you don’t have a website. Having your own email list is crucial for business growth.

Here are 5 ways to market a business locally without using social media:

  • Put up posters and flyers. This is one of the oldest forms of marketing, but it’s still effective today, especially in rural areas. Make sure your posters and flyers are eye-catching and informative, and that they’re placed in high-traffic areas.
  • Cross-Promotion. Reach out to other local business owners with businesses that complement your own. Work with them to promote your business to their customers, and vice versa.
  • Give out business cards. Whenever you meet someone who might be interested in your business, be sure to give them your business card. You can also leave business cards at local businesses, community centers, and other places where people might see them. Always have a few business cards in your wallet, handbag, and vehicle.
  • Talk to people. One of the best ways to market your business is to talk to people about it. Tell your friends, family, and neighbors about your business, and encourage them to spread the word. You can also attend local events and meet new people.
  • Offer referral incentives. Give your customers an incentive to refer their friends and family to your business. This could be a discount, a free gift, or something else. Referral programs are a great way to reach new customers and grow your business.

Rural Marketing requires creativity and perseverance. It can be difficult to remain motivated to market your business when your days are full with everyday tasks. It’s important to schedule time each week to dedicate to marketing, above and beyond social media interaction.

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