What is an Authorpreneur?

The self-published author now becomes a entrepreneur

An “authorpreneur” is a term used to describe an author who also takes an entrepreneurial approach to their writing career. This means they not only write books, but also treat their writing as a business, focusing on marketing, branding, and selling their work in a strategic way.

An authorpreneur typically takes on a variety of roles, such as writer, publisher, marketer, and business manager, in order to establish and grow their writing career. They may self-publish their work, build a website, create a social media presence, and participate in events and conferences to network and promote their writing.

In essence, an authorpreneur is an author who takes a proactive, business-like approach to their writing career, seeking to maximize their opportunities for success and reach a wider audience with their work.

Self-published author becomes an entrepreneur
what is an authorpreneur
It’s up to you to promote your book

How to become an authorpreneur

Women have been historically underrepresented in the publishing industry, but in recent years, there has been a surge of women who have become successful authorpreneurs. By combining their writing skills with business savvy, these women have been able to carve out their own paths in the literary world, while also empowering themselves and inspiring others.

Here are some steps that women can take to become successful authorpreneurs:

  • Develop your writing skills: The first step to becoming an authorpreneur is to hone your writing skills. This means dedicating time to write regularly, seeking feedback from others, and continuously learning about the craft of writing.
  • Build your brand: To succeed as an authorpreneur, it’s important to establish your personal brand. This includes creating a website, developing a social media presence, and building an email list. Use these platforms to share your writing, connect with readers, and promote your work.
  • Create a business plan: As an authorpreneur, you need to treat your writing like a business. This means creating a plan that outlines your goals, strategies, and budget for marketing and promotion. Set realistic targets and track your progress along the way.
  • Choose your publishing path: There are many options for publishing your work, from traditional publishing to self-publishing. Consider the pros and cons of each path and choose the one that aligns with your goals and vision for your writing career.
  • Network and collaborate: Building relationships with other authors, editors, and industry professionals can help you gain exposure and build your brand. Attend conferences and events, join writing groups, and seek out opportunities to collaborate with other writers.
  • Stay persistent: Building a successful writing career takes time and effort. Do “whatever it takes” to stay committed to your goals, continue to develop your skills, and don’t be discouraged by rejection or setbacks.

By following these steps, you can become an authorpreneur and build a successful career as a writer and entrepreneur. By taking control of your writing and business endeavors, you can create opportunities for yourself and pave the way for other women to follow in your footsteps.

Authorpreneur vs. Self-Published Author

Are the terms “authorpreneur” the same as, “self-published author”? Not exactly.

An authorpreneur is simply anyone who makes a business out of writing. It doesn’t just have to be books. It could be freelance journalists, ghost writers, professional copywriters, marketing creatives, technical writers, etc. On the other hand, a self-published author is specifically someone who writes books.

Read more about self-publishing here, “7 Reasons Why Self Publishing Makes Sense“.

Digital publishing is for everyone

There was a time when getting a book published meant a lot of hard work, and a lot of rejections, courting big-name book publishers. But today, getting an electronic book published on Amazon Kindle is easy and cheap for anyone. However, it’s up to you to get your book noticed. You have to hit social media, Internet forums, maybe even buy some online advertising, to market your book to the masses.

The good news it doesn’t cost a lot of money to become an authorpreneur. And on top of that, very rarely do books get rejected by online publishers. Nearly all online publishers have minimal standards, and don’t really care how well (or how poorly) your book is written. They don’t care if your book is fiction or non-fiction, or if its fantasy or reality, or even if its erotica. They just want to make sure you’re not promoting anything illegal.

Once your book is accepted, it’s now up to you to get it promoted. It’s your job to spread the word about your book. You can post it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. You can start your own blog, get interviewed by other self-published authors, or just do “whatever it takes” to bring people to your book.

The main point is that digital publishing levels the playing ground for everyone. No longer is publishing limited to a handful of veteran authors and celebrities. Now, everyone has a chance.